Financial problems are a part of life that can happen to anyone, but the global COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a lot of financial issues for people. Of course, when you are facing a financial crisis, it can create a lot of stress and tension that results in fights in a relationship. The question is how to keep the relationship from crumbling beneath the devastating weight of your financial struggles. In easy words, what can you do to ensure surviving a financial crisis without losing the grip on your relationship? Whether you or your partner are dealing with foreclosure, layoffs, mounting medical debt, or credit card mismanagement, it doesn’t mean that you destroy your relationship.
Here are some tips for on surviving a financial crisis with your relationship intact:
Restore the depleted trust
Both of you need to commit to dealing with the problems together. This means that you have to accept the situation and learn to face the facts. Only then will you two be able to forge ahead and get a fresh start. Bear in mind that blaming each other is not helpful or reassuring in any way. Instead, you have to have a safe space for expressing your feelings. The two of you need to be able to express themselves openly and also comfort each other compassionately. Let your partner know that you understand their feelings and are willing to work together for resolving the financial issues. Forgiveness and trust are essential in order to move forward.
Reinvest in the relationship
You may not have some material things because of the money crisis, but you two still have each other. Just because your retirement dreams have been delayed doesn’t mean that you don’t have a future together. Prioritize what matters the most to you because this will help you in making wise decisions. Don’t let your relationship take a backseat while you are working on recovering from the financial crisis. Step away from the matters to check in with each other every now and then.
Increase your interest level
Losing yourself in escapist activities, such as video games, web surfing, and television may seem easier. However, you have to learn to resist the urge. Pay attention to your partner and take an interest. Engage in activities that spark your mutual interests and are inexpensive. Just because you are lacking in money doesn’t mean that you cannot give them attention. Let them know that their value is a lot more than anything material or monetary.
Renew your sexual bond
It is time for you to build the physical connection again and it will provide a great deal of relief to both of you. Mental exhaustion and stress may drive you to avoid intimacy, but you need to resist this impulse. Physical intimacy can go a long way in keeping your bond strong.
Focus on your blessings
Sure, things may be difficult right now, but remind yourself repeatedly that having a partner to lean on is a big blessing. Share the positive aspects of the circumstances, as this will prevent you from being consumed by the worry and strain of the situation.